Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wisdom teeth day

Not a happy day today. Karissa had her wisdom teeth removed plus one more that they did a bone graft on to get ready for an implant.
If you ask me I think Karissa looks pretty good not much swelling (yet). We will have to see as the night goes on
She finally fell asleep. I thought she would sleep all day but she didnt fall asleep until about four this afternoon.

It took me the longest time for her to let me take a picture. so this one was just a random shot as she pulled her hair in her face. She did so well with the surgery I was very impressed with the Dr. he had her in and out in about 1 hour. I was looking forward to her sleeping all day so I could get my house cleaned but thats not what she thought. We sat and watched chick flicks. That was nice too. Im so glad its all over.


Kristen said...

She does look great! She doesn't even look like she had it done!
I remember getting my wisdom teeth pulled, not fun!
glad it went well for her:)

Emily said...

She looks great for having that awful surgery! How fun to watch movies with mom too!