Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A New Addition.....

We had a new addition.....just for 3 days...isn't he so cute???? Karissa has an adult roles class at school and she had to bring Jamal home for three days. This thing cried, burped, cooed, needed diaper changes, needed to be fed, and slept. it was like a baby but in a doll form. The first night we had it at about 12:30 the thing started to cry, I don't mean a little whimper I mean a screaming cry. It needed a diaper change and we couldnt find the diaper. I was going nuts!!!! I have forgotten what its like to have a baby that is up all night, it has been 9 years.
"Uncle Josh" was goofing around with the baby an so I had to take a picture. We all liked it better when it was not making any noise. We were glad to see it go. Its now off to another family to torture. I have decided I can wait a little longer to be a grandma:)


Tara said...

Dude, that is the funniest thing I have seen all year! I want baby Jamal! Send him MY WAY! I will never let Karissa live this down! lol. Uncle Washy... i love it! Tell everyone hi for me and this tag, i don't like! How in the world can i think of 7 things? grrr. i may need some time on this one! I do have to admit, it is fun learning all of your facts about you though! Talk to ya soon! Love ya!