OK I procrastinated long enough. Summer Tagged me.....I am not sure if I can come up with 7 facts about myself but I will try! I think some of these you might already know. Here are the rules of the game first:
1. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird, etc.
2. Tag 7 people at the end of your blog also leaving the link to their blog.
3. let them know that they are "tagged" by leaving a comment on their blog.
Here we go:
1. When i was a junior in high school myself and 3 of my girlfriend together decided we didn't want to go to school that day so we ditched school and headed towards San Diego on our way there we decided to just keep going and went to Tijuana. We paid like $15 dollars for Mexican insurance. What for? I have no idea. We just walked around for a while and made sure we were back in time to be home at the end of the school day. To this day my parents never found out.
2.In Costa Mesa where I grew up we had the amphitheater (at the time they held concerts there). I heard Van Halen was coming. They are one of my favorite groups. I wanted to go really bad, but the tickets were sold out, even for lawn seating. So.....myself and a few friends decided we were going to hop a fence to go to the concert. I have no idea where I had the guts to do things like that but as we were trying here came the security guards and started chasing us.
Needless to say we never got in but we were able to hear the whole thing from the outside.
3. When I was 17 Brian took me to a Quiet Riot concert. One of the best I had ever been to. No joke they put on a great show.
4. I have a shoe fetish. I love them. I was telling Karissa that when Brian and I got married I has a good 25-30 pair, and slowly they started to disappear. I thing Brian was getting rid of them. I have noticed the same thing over the past little while, so its time to restock again.
5. When I was little we would play a game with the neighborhood kids... we would pretend we had a big rope and would play tug-o-war across the street. When the cars would come by the would start to slow way down and almost come to a stop. We would pretend to drop the rope that didn't exist and run. I'm sure the drivers were not very happy.
6. Brian and I came to an agreement early in our marriage: I clean diarrhea and he cleans throw-up. It happened when I puked trying to clean up after Adam when he was little. I think I got the better end of the deal. I stopped having to clean stinky diapers when the kids were potty trained. There are still times Tyler doesn't make it to the bathroom to be sick.
7. When I was in fourth grade The hair style of the times was the Dorthy Hamill cut. My hair was down to the middle of my back, and all I kept say to my mom was I wanted my hair cut like that. She told me I wouldn't want it that short but I begged and begged until she made an appointment for me. I went all excited to the hair place. I sat in the chair and the girl started to cut. I looked in the mirror and was horrified, My hair was so short I looked like a boy. I cried so hard. So to this day I have not had my hair any shorter then my shoulders. It scares me to go any shorter then that.
OK so here goes...I TAG: Kimberly, Kristen, Tara, Emily, Bettie, Chelle, Kim W.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I was "Tagged"
Posted by Kari and Brian at 9:34 PM 2 comments
A New Addition.....
We had a new addition.....just for 3 days...isn't he so cute???? Karissa has an adult roles class at school and she had to bring Jamal home for three days. This thing cried, burped, cooed, needed diaper changes, needed to be fed, and slept. it was like a baby but in a doll form. The first night we had it at about 12:30 the thing started to cry, I don't mean a little whimper I mean a screaming cry. It needed a diaper change and we couldnt find the diaper. I was going nuts!!!! I have forgotten what its like to have a baby that is up all night, it has been 9 years.
"Uncle Josh" was goofing around with the baby an so I had to take a picture. We all liked it better when it was not making any noise. We were glad to see it go. Its now off to another family to torture. I have decided I can wait a little longer to be a grandma:)
Posted by Kari and Brian at 1:40 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Happy Valentines Day!!!
Well a little late but....Happy Valentines Day! Brian surprised me with this amazing arrangement of roses and a bunch of balloons. He brought them to my work. Then that night he took me out to dinner. It was so great. I LOVE YOU Brian!!!!!
So I am glad that I had a great day on thursday because friday was not so great. the day started out like any other day. Got the kids up for school and out the door for the bus. Got myself ready for work and headed out. I got to work and found out that today was the day for lay offs. My Boss had a meeting with us and told us that he was let go. At this point I was not feeling to good about it, at about 12:30 I got the call......THEY LET ME GO!!!!!! I was angry...really angry, I have been with the company for five years. Oh well life will go on. I am looking forward to getting my house in order and spend more time with the kids. So Tara NOW you can burn the shirt:) (heehee). So I left work and came home and when I walked in something smelled weird...I looked in the dogs kennel and one of them had a runny accident, it was every where. I was on the phone with Kimberly and all she could do was laugh!! That helped! I dumped them in the tub and gave them a bath. After all that was done the dog with the problem showed herself and it was all over my carpet. I was in tears trying to clean it up. Two little dogs can sure make a mess. I found out why Bella was soooo sick she got into one of the kids valentines chocolate!!!!!! Anyone up for vacation??? Im ready to go.
Posted by Kari and Brian at 5:45 PM 4 comments