Monday, December 17, 2007

Karissa is going to College

We had an exciting week this past week, Karissa was accepted to Snow College. We are so proud of her!! Mom is going to be kinda sad because she has been my shopping buddy, my lunch buddy, and movie buddy. Anytime I say I am going somewhere she is ready to go with me. I am going to miss that. She decided to attend a smaller college for her first two years, then her plan is to head to medical school at the UofU (unless other plans happen). Karissa is also going to apply for a music scholarship. We pray that she will get one. She has amazing talent when it comes to singing. We are so proud of Karissa and love her very much. She is such a beautiful girl and we are so blessed that she is a part of our family.


Kristen said...

What a beautiful picture! That is such great news! So neat that you two are so close. At least she will be close by and not far far away somewhere:)

Summer said...

How exciting! Tell Karissa good job from all of us! Hey at least she is going to be close enough that if any guy ever touches her Josh can drive up and pounce him! That is such a cute picture of her.

Jaime said...

Wow...are you sure she's old enough to go to college....:) I still think of her as a little girl. How time flies! She is going to have so much fun! Wish her the best of luck from us!!

Unknown said...

This is really exciting news. So what happened to the plans of going to Hawaii and marrying a polynesian? Tell your family hi for us.